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Sarah Russell


A history of discrimination

Laura Tingle has been criticised because she dared to suggest that a country that has a history of Frontier Wars/massacres, a White Australia Policy until 1973 and voted overwhelmingly “no" in the recent Voice referendum is racist. If you don’t think Australia has a racism problem, you’re probably an Anglo-Australian…
Sarah Russell
May 28, 2024

Festival a best seller

Those of us interested in literature, climate action, democracy, and reconciliation are very grateful to have the yearly Sorrento Writers Festival on our doorstep. As someone who has attended numerous writers festivals over the years, I agree with facilitators who describe the Sorrento Writers Festival as the “best writers festival…
Sarah Russell
May 7, 2024
Aged CarePolitics

Should men face limits?

In the past year, 195 men and 86 women died on our roads. Does the disproportionate number of men killed indicate they are worse drivers than women? Should all men be regularly tested? According to the Transport Accident Commission, 52 people over 70 years of age died on our roads…
Sarah Russell
April 30, 2024

Trump targets ‘nasty’ Rudd

Donald Trump’s off-the-cuff insults against Kevin Rudd are a media storm in a tea cup. I am much more worried about Trump's plans for a jailing opponents and banning abortion than his views about Rudd. When Nigel Farage asked Trump a leading question about Rudd, it was clear he had…
Sarah Russell
March 22, 2024

Shire fails when it comes to consultation

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire has a track record of failing to consult ratepayers about important decisions. First, it came for older people who use aged care services. Then it came for our beloved wildlife sanctuary at The Briars. In 2022, councillors voted to outsource aged care services to corporate providers, a…
Sarah Russell
February 13, 2024