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Call it what it really is

We need a national male aggression summit not a women's safety summit. If we started saying: "a man raped a woman" rather than "a woman was raped", it would be clear this is a male problem that needs to be fixed by men. First published as a letter to The Age on…
Sarah Russell
April 10, 2021

Wrong decision

Last weeks Q&A on the ABC was an informative discussion from six intelligent women, including Fran Kelly. Mona Mona Eltahawy claims profanity is politically important. She uses it to speak truth to power. During the discussion, Mona made her point. She will not be told how she must talk or…
Sarah Russell
November 11, 2019

A shared responsibility

At a family violence forum in 2013, former police commissioner, Ken Lay noted that when violence towards women is unchallenged, such violence is normalised. There are myriad reasons why women who experience violence do not report this violence. Among other things we fear losing our job, not being believed and…
Sarah Russell
January 9, 2018

Righting an imbalance

I refer to the article by Michael Leunig 'Caught in the gender trap'. Not so long ago on ABC Melbourne, I woke up each morning to Red Symmons. He was followed by Jon Fine, Richard Stubbs, Raphael Epstein, Mark Colvin and Tony Delroy. All men every weekday. Celebrating International Women’s…
Sarah Russell
May 29, 2017

Tantrum has passed

The human rights commission's report, The forgotten children: national inquiry into children in immigration detention, was tabled, 18 months ago. The 315-page report provided compelling first-hand evidence of the negative impact that prolonged detention has on children’s mental and physical health. The report also made 16 recommendations. There was no…
Sarah Russell
August 12, 2016

Q&A’s lost opportunity

In 2013, former police commissioner, Ken Lay said family violence is located within a wider culture where vulgar attitudes to women are common. He further noted that when violence towards women is unchallenged, such violence is normalised. It is in this context that I found the incident between Steve Price…
Sarah Russell
July 15, 2016

Female opinions count; we need to read more of them

Opinion sections in mainstream newspapers help to inform and shape a society's opinions. They are also an important measure of gender equality. Although 46 per cent of the Australian workforce is female, opinion pages continue to be dominated by men. Women are seen but not heard. Columnist Michael Short reminded…
Sarah Russell
February 9, 2016

Lunches’ bad taste

Josephine Cafagna describes yet another piece in the gender inequality puzzle: the business lunch. The menu for these businessmen lunches includes "networking" as the entree, "jobs-for-the-boys" as main course and "back room deals" for dessert. As a woman working with four men, I often receive emails informing me about decisions…
Sarah Russell
December 27, 2015