Health Care When patients know their own mind Genes are a disposition not a determinant. It is not surprising that many women with…Sarah RussellDecember 13, 2013
Aged CareGender The problem of parental plunder Australians are living longer and living richer than at any time. While some older people…Sarah RussellDecember 2, 2013
Social issues Going to the dogs George Bush's dog, Barney, is honoured with an obituary-like article. This reminded me of the…Sarah RussellNovember 29, 2013
Education Time to rethink the ethics issue All research undertaken at universities must first be reviewed and approved by a human research…Sarah RussellNovember 27, 2013
Education Not so polite response Monash University Gippsland and Ballarat University are joining forces to become a regional university. One…Sarah RussellNovember 14, 2013
Social issues Parties’ preference deals demean system We should all be alarmed by the preference deals for Senate seats (''Abbott faces chaos…Sarah RussellSeptember 2, 2013
Social issues Shop Tactics On my ballot, I am considering changing Liberals to Coles, Labor to Woolworths, Greens to…Sarah RussellAugust 16, 2013
Aged CareHealth Care Generation google I regularly do The Age crossword with a delightful group of elderly women who live…Sarah RussellAugust 9, 2013
Education Authorship, ethics prove tricky THE culture of publish or perish is having a negative effect on research ethics as…Sarah RussellJune 26, 2013
Social issues Health risks of mobile phones: what we don’t know might be killing us Are mobile phones the new cigarettes? Will we discover that the telecommunication industry, like the…Sarah RussellJanuary 13, 2013