Politics Political affiliations During past 40 years, I have been a member of 3 different political parties: Labor…Sarah RussellDecember 8, 2022
PoliticsSocial issues Transparency and accountablity Decisions made by government affect all of us, every day of our lives. That’s why…Sarah RussellNovember 30, 2022
PoliticsSocial issues Going to jail is not a preference There is fury about the impact Glenn Druery’s preference deals will have on the State…Sarah RussellNovember 18, 2022
Health CareSocial issues Protection in advance Chief Medical Officer, Paul Kelly, said the best way for vulnerable people to protect themselves…Sarah RussellNovember 15, 2022
Uncategorized No response is a response Story about Richard choosing to disengage rather than resolve conflictSarah RussellNovember 10, 2022
Aged CareEducation And the rorts keep coming It is raining rorts: Rorts robbing Medicare, aged care home care packages, vocational education and…Sarah RussellOctober 18, 2022
Aged Care Quality and continuity, not profits, should be priority in aged care After the heart-breaking revelations of the Aged Care Royal Commission, I hoped stories of neglect…Sarah RussellAugust 13, 2022
Aged Care A futile hope that extra funds will go to wages It is imperative that aged care workers receive a significant pay rise. However, many aged…Sarah RussellAugust 10, 2022
Aged Care Does the Albanese government really want to strip older Australians of their rights? Does the Albanese government really want to be remembered as the one that stripped many…Sarah RussellAugust 3, 2022