Aged Care Better aged-care begins with more registered nurses in homes People are marching in the streets demanding better care for older Australians in aged care homes after…Sarah RussellJune 3, 2018
Aged Care The aged care crisis can be traced back to Howard’s Aged Care Act. We need a new act The hyperbole used by politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists to defend heartbreaking stories about inadequate personal…Sarah RussellApril 20, 2018
Aged Care The aged care crisis can be traced back to Howard’s Aged Care Act The hyperbole used by politicians, bureaucrats and lobbyists to defend heartbreaking stories about inadequate personal…Sarah RussellApril 20, 2018
Aged Care Open disclosure is needed in all aged care homes How often does an incident in an aged care home escalate because management is afraid…Sarah RussellApril 18, 2018
Aged Care So Many Inquiries, So Little Action How many inquiries, reviews, taskforces, think tanks, consultations and consultant reports does it take for…Sarah RussellApril 9, 2018
Aged Care Would You Eat The Meals Served In Some Aged Care Homes? A shocking new study reveals aged care home spent an average of $6.08 per resident to provide…Sarah RussellFebruary 26, 2018
Aged Care Google Translator Did Not Help Me Understand The Aged Care Workforce Strategy Taskforce Report According to the script of the TV series ‘Yes Minister’, there are two basic rules…Sarah RussellFebruary 23, 2018
Aged Care Turning away from evidence and data in aged care Last year Julie Collins (the Shadow Minister for Ageing) and Ken Wyatt (Minister for Aged…Sarah RussellFebruary 9, 2018
Aged Care Reports of poor standards in aged care are just the tip of the iceberg Australians are living longer than at any time in our history. The intergenerational report predicts…Sarah RussellOctober 31, 2017
Aged Care Market must stay out of aged care Last month the Courier Mail reported yet another heart breaking story about aged care homes…Sarah RussellMarch 27, 2017