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Progressives of Peninsula: Notes from meeting 4 February 2023

By February 5, 2023No Comments

The following notes were taken by Marg Darcy.

Sarah, spoke about the voice and reflecting on how we get the best political representative for Flinders.

To change we need progressives – teals, Labor, Greens, AJP

We need to unite around Strong Climate Action, Gender Equity, have to work strategically to beat the blue team in Flinders, have to stop nonsense about a two horse race.

Look at Mornington Kate Lardner nearly got over the line, thanks to preferences from Labor and the Greens.

Suggests name – Progressives of the Peninsula  – Asks for ideas about how we move forward.

Question? Do you think progressives should work collaboratively.  How can we put our egos at the gate and work towards good representation in Flinders.  Main game is climate action – 2 1/2 years to mobilise work together and change history.

Paul Saunders co-convenor of MP Greens and stood for Hastings asks why everyone doesn’t just support the Greens.  Want all 3 parts of the voice.

Greens lost support across the Peninsula.  Will work with Teals to keep this place paradise and have a real impact on national issue.

Q from audience: Why won’t Greens take money from corporates?   Obviously ones that are ethical but Greens policy won’t take it.

Want real spending cap, real time reporting, policy to get rid of election donations.

Marg D’Arcy Labor because the reality is we have a 3 party system – 2 in the coalition and Labor and at the moment it is either coalition or Labor who will form Government.  And Labor will always be a better Government for the majority of Australian people  although whoever is in Government they will always make some decisions that I disagree with.  But on balance I want a Labor Government.  However we recognise that on the MP it is a challenge to get Labor in, the last two elections, Federal and State have shown us that.   So we will support finding a good independent candidate – not necessarily Teal.  If we are to be successful in unseating the Liberals we have to work together.  Labor will still try to win, we will still look for a good Labor candidate, but we need to refrain from is attacking each other at the local level.

Katrina from AJP yes from AJP to align ourselves with progressive people and a good candidate.  Have to work together, in her heart she’s a Greens voter.

Want a great candidate that we can all get behind.  That means being grown ups about preferences,

Myka Voice MP – one thing we’ve learnt is relationships are core, need to get to know each other and build relationships and trust.  One way we can do that is to work together on the referendum – supporting the Voice.

Finn Labor main reason we are all here is because we hate the Liberals, don’t have a rep who represents what we want.  But Labor is there to give us what we want.

Question from audience: Outside of party politics how do we get more younger people involved in local politics.  Starts with two Harry’s and a Finn.

What is best way to attract young people – parties have Young Greens and Young Labor – maybe we could do a young progressives of the Peninsula, and consult young people.

Lee Seldon, One of the people who were following Dr martin Luther King in 60s, how – we have 2 1/2 years.  Something called accountability.  We keep record of how people vote for particular issues, and who stands for what?

MLK never ran for public office but did change history.

Erica, SWAN asked if it works if we vote for our chosen candidate and then give preferences to independent.  Free people up to encourage people to vote for their first preference but give 2nd preference to independent.

Angus analysed Marriage Equality and look at how seats went according to Marriage Equality vote.  Flinders indicates that Flinders is right for the picking because of their support for ME.  If we map Flinders CW Indi – not dissimilar so could be possible for independents to get in based on Labor Greens preferences.  Have to capture at least 20% of the vote first preference then would make it possible.

Sue Humphries, Developing Progressive Alliance of Mornington Peninsula – recommends Quarterly Essay by Katherine Murphy on Lone Wolf.  Develop one big overall framework.

Sarah Thanked Barbie Wilson and Carolyn for their help tonight.

and Robyn for making the covers for chairs and everybody for coming.

Sarah Asked people who are interested in forming a working group to email her..





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