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Sarah Russell

Mental Health

Staying well with a mental illness

People with a mental illness have had a high profile recently. First, a man with a mental illness destroyed the historic St Kilda pier kiosk. Then another man with a mental illness stopped traffic for hours on the Westgate Bridge. These incidents reinforce the stigma on all people living with…
Sarah Russell
October 2, 2003
Mental Health

Good news story

It was refreshing to read a good new story about mental illness. This story provided hope that young people diagnosed with a mental illness can experience happy and productive lives. When people are first diagnosed with a mental illness, a positive approach from health professionals, families, friends, colleagues and the…
Sarah Russell
September 14, 2003
Health Care

Patient counsel

Professors Barton and Olver have examined ways of improving elements of cancer treatment in Victoria. A copy of their report has been circulated among the state's leading cancer specialists. Has it also been circulated to people who are currently being treated for cancer and their families? Surely people with cancer…
Sarah Russell
July 20, 2003
Health Care

Hysterical ‘Pandemic’

Amid the hysteria over Pan Pharmaceuticals, Australians are being warned to avoid taking all herbal and vitamin preparations. Would Australians be warned about avoiding driving all cars after the recall of a Commodore? Somehow, the spotlight shifted from poor quality control of pharmaceutical preparations to all complementary therapies being discredited.…
Sarah Russell
May 2, 2003

Let’s broaden the population debate

As Tim Watts, Hugh Martin and Steve Vizard have noted, the delegates of last years population summit have produced a proposal for a shift in the way population policies are set. Not surprisingly, Philip Ruddock, refuses to sign the proposal. What is surprising, however, is that so few of the…
Sarah Russell
April 8, 2003

‘Down’ is all in the eye of the beholder

By choosing to spend less time in paid employment, I am labelled as a "Down-shifter. I think Australian Institute think tank should think again. The label 'Down-shifter implies a process of moving down, and thereby misrepresents a positive life choice. After all, the only thing to go down is income.…
Sarah Russell
January 13, 2003
Health Care

Nurses are simply setting a market price

In the public health system, demand for nurses far exceeds supply. This is a business person's dream. So why blame nursing agencies for taking advantage of these market forces to make some money? Those who manage nursing agencies understand how a healthcare 'market-place' works. In particular, they recognise that there…
Sarah Russell
October 11, 2002

Listen to youth on chroming

Were young people who chrome invited to attend the recent Parliamentary Inquiry to talk about what they do or why they do it? They have the relevant experience to make a genuine contribution to this debate and they come up with some creative solutions. These will certainly be more realistic…
Sarah Russell
June 24, 2002