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Sarah Russell

Health CareMental Health

Giving help at the brink

Sandra Hacker highlighted the inequalities within our health care system where a person's access to intensive psychiatric services is being restricted while a person's access to expensive life saving intensive care services is not being questioned. Taking this paradox one step further is the number of people suffering from a…
Sarah Russell
September 26, 1996
Health Care

A holistic approach on Aboriginal health

The issue of Aboriginal health is of great concern to all Australians. It is far too important an issue to be used as a political and bureaucratic football. Some people seem to think that we can “cure” Aboriginal health by simply providing funding for increased medical care. A classic example…
Sarah Russell
February 21, 1995
Health Care

Intensive care is not necessarily the best

While I agree with Professor Singer that saving a lone yachtswoman last week was well worth it (Sunday Age, 8/1/95), I am  concerned that the examples used to support his argument were misleading. One of his examples was an Intensive Care Unit in Melbourne where "many patients who would be…
Sarah Russell
January 15, 1995
Health Care

A lack of support after leaving hospital

While it is true that the Victorian Government’s budget cuts have had serious implications for the provision of public health services, it is disappointing that the media has focused most of its attention on critical care services. As most practising health care professionals will confirm, much of the publicity has…
Sarah Russell
August 23, 1994
Health Care

Intensive care outlay

It was misleading for the Alfred Hospital’s spokesperson to suggest that a patient’s “chances would have been better” had an intensive care bed been available. Emergency departments have access to drugs, life-support equipment and competent professionals. It seems likely, therefore, that Mrs Long died as a result of her illness,…
Sarah Russell
July 19, 1994
Health Care

After-care is sadly lacking

The story of Belinda Hoy reminded me once again of the inequitable distribution of our health resources. After thousands of dollars have been spent providing state of the art medical technologies for 32 days in the Intensive Care Unit, there is a sudden reduction in services for her rehabilitation. We…
Sarah Russell
January 13, 1994

Yard Monitor: a grass-root view

There are many threats to our world's environment.  You do not need to be a genius, or even a geographer, to realise this. I just happen to be the latter (certainly not the former) and, as such, have been empowered by Farrago to speak with some authority on the topic…
Sarah Russell
July 21, 1993
Health Care

Life and death not just up to doctors

While I accept that there are “good moral reasons why self-determining, autonomous people, at the end of their lives and in the face of great suffering should be able to request active help in dying, I do not believe that doctors alone should be given the responsibility to make such…
Sarah Russell
March 3, 1993
My story

First smack

It was my first day of kindergarten, I had insisted on wearing my favourite green corduroy shorts - hand me downs from one of my older brothers. At morning recess, the boys, including my older brother, were allowed to play on the climbing equipment outside. The girls remained inside to…
Sarah Russell
February 1, 1965