Aged CareGender Greed and ageism underpins financial elder abuse I agree that financial elder abuse is underpinned by children’s sense of entitlement to their…Sarah RussellJune 23, 2015
Aged CareGender Greedy son syndrome Financial elder abuse is family violence. Senior Law suggests the contributing factor is ageism rather…Sarah RussellJune 5, 2015
Aged CareGender Gender goggles’ strip away men’s sense of entitlement towards women Something remarkable is afoot. The Victorian Chief Commissioner of Police, Ken Lay, and the Chief…Sarah RussellDecember 10, 2014
Aged CareSocial issues Give plan for mandatory tests wide berth Last year's road toll has fuelled prejudice towards older drivers. The focus used to be…Sarah RussellJanuary 12, 2014
Aged CareGender The problem of parental plunder Australians are living longer and living richer than at any time. While some older people…Sarah RussellDecember 2, 2013
Aged CareHealth Care Generation google I regularly do The Age crossword with a delightful group of elderly women who live…Sarah RussellAugust 9, 2013
Aged Care What discrimination The Australian medical Association claim that older people are being refused access to surgery in…Sarah RussellNovember 9, 1998