Mental HealthMy story Discrimination: one woman’s experience THE ORMOND COLLEGE AFFAIR BECAME FAMOUS FOR IGNITING A FEMINIST DEBATE (OR SHOULD I SAY…Sarah RussellNovember 10, 1997
Mental HealthMy story Breakdown: A story of mental illness mismanagement Recently, I had a mental breakdown. It all happened so quickly. One day I was…Sarah RussellJuly 10, 1997
GenderHealth CareSocial issues Morality should not enter the medical picture The recent reports of a lesbian woman who was denied access to fertility treatment because…Sarah RussellFebruary 5, 1997
Health CareMental Health Giving help at the brink Sandra Hacker highlighted the inequalities within our health care system where a person's access to…Sarah RussellSeptember 26, 1996
Health CareSocial issues A holistic approach on Aboriginal health The issue of Aboriginal health is of great concern to all Australians. It is far…Sarah RussellFebruary 21, 1995
Health Care Intensive care is not necessarily the best While I agree with Professor Singer that saving a lone yachtswoman last week was well…Sarah RussellJanuary 15, 1995
Health Care A lack of support after leaving hospital While it is true that the Victorian Government’s budget cuts have had serious implications for…Sarah RussellAugust 23, 1994
Health Care Intensive care outlay It was misleading for the Alfred Hospital’s spokesperson to suggest that a patient’s “chances would…Sarah RussellJuly 19, 1994
Health Care After-care is sadly lacking The story of Belinda Hoy reminded me once again of the inequitable distribution of our…Sarah RussellJanuary 13, 1994
Environment Yard Monitor: a grass-root view There are many threats to our world's environment. You do not need to be a…Sarah RussellJuly 21, 1993