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Going to the dogs

George Bush's dog, Barney, is honoured with an obituary-like article. This reminded me of the obituary I wrote for my beloved labrador, Kirner, who was named in honour of Joan. When I submitted Kirner's obituary to The Age in 2006, I was told that obituaries are for people, not dogs.…
Sarah Russell
November 29, 2013

Parties’ preference deals demean system

We should all be alarmed by the preference deals for Senate seats (''Abbott faces chaos in Senate'', The Sunday Age, 1/9). Small parties with no track record are likely to hold the balance of power in the next Senate. We've seen this before with Brian Harradine during the Howard era. Harradine…
Sarah Russell
September 2, 2013

Shop Tactics

On my ballot, I am considering changing Liberals to Coles, Labor to Woolworths, Greens to the Farmers Markets, and the rest to Crazy Johns. I will then contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to complain about the duopoly and the collusion by Coles/Liberals and Woolworths/Labor in their attempt to…
Sarah Russell
August 16, 2013
Health Care

Being a mother is about more than biology

Sunday is Mother's day. Commercial cynicism aside, for lots of people it's a day of celebration. Many women will spend the morning in bed with their kids balancing toast and cups of tea, tearing at wrappings, admiring new fluffy slippers, complimenting the artistry of their home made card and pretending…
Sarah Russell
May 6, 2010

Many ways to mother on Mothers’ Day

Today is Mother’s day. Many women will spend the morning in bed with their kids balancing toast and cups of tea, tearing at wrappings, admiring new fluffy slippers, complimenting the artistry of their home made card and pretending that a necklace made of pasta was just what they always wanted.…
Sarah Russell
May 11, 2009

Sloppy Editing

Lesley Canold argues that the use of shame and humiliation in the hoax on Keith Windshuttle was justifiable. I disagree. At one level, I am enjoying seeing an opponent in the culture/history wars “hoisted on his own petard”. Sarcasm, ridicule, satire and irony are effective weapons of mass amusement. However,…
Sarah Russell
January 9, 2009
Health Care

Definition of family: mum, dad, kids? No way

Last week two controversial bills were debated in the Victorian Parliament. MPs in the upper house passed the Abortion Law Reform Bill. In the lower house, MPs voted 47 to 34 in support of the Assisted Reproductive Treatment Bill, which proposes expanding access to IVF. The bill also creates greater opportunity…
Sarah Russell
October 14, 2008