Social issues Beaches may be be free to all but access is another matter Australia has some of the best beaches in the world and they are all free.…Sarah RussellJanuary 25, 2015
Mental Health Facing difficulties: why people with bipolar disorder may not always see how you feel According to a report in Sunday’s Age, those of us with bipolar disorder often experience…Sarah RussellJanuary 11, 2015
Health CareSocial issues Important voices missing in ice debate The Premier, Daniel Andrews, honoured an election promise when he announced before Christmas that he…Sarah RussellJanuary 3, 2015
Aged CareGender Gender goggles’ strip away men’s sense of entitlement towards women Something remarkable is afoot. The Victorian Chief Commissioner of Police, Ken Lay, and the Chief…Sarah RussellDecember 10, 2014
Social issues Free ourselves from endless involvement Climate change is a mortal threat to every government and person in the world. Until…Sarah RussellNovember 28, 2014
Gender Getting away with it We should not let Jackie Lambie off the hook for her inappropriate "well hung" comments.…Sarah RussellNovember 23, 2014
Education Grant credit where credit is due For many of us, January was a time for beach holidays. For academics, it was…Sarah RussellFebruary 12, 2014
Aged CareSocial issues Give plan for mandatory tests wide berth Last year's road toll has fuelled prejudice towards older drivers. The focus used to be…Sarah RussellJanuary 12, 2014
Social issues Seeking refuge Years ago, a friend had to flee the regime of Joh Bjelke-Petersen and seek refuge…Sarah RussellDecember 13, 2013